Oh! Snap. My car key won’t work. This is the first time you’ve ever been in this kind of situation. If you haven’t, then you are lucky. However, those who have experienced it know that it is a nightmare that will never be repeated. You might feel panicked if you are locked out of your car or unable to get it started. This situation can only be solved by a car locksmith.

If your car keys have stopped working, here’s what an automotive locksmith can tell you.

The Key Isn’t the Problem, But The Lock
Individuals often need new keys for their car because the keys snap at the lock’s step. Most likely, the lock has been damaged. The key will shatter when you press down on it while it is turning. The majority of current keys do not experience these forces due to widespread use fobs.

Must Be Broken
Another reason why automobile keys malfunction is damaged keys. Broken keys are often pictured by most people as a key that has been broken into multiple pieces. However, this image is false. Broken keys are usually a sign that the grooves have worn out. Once these grooves begin to lose their shape, the lock will cease working properly. This is because the key’s grooves and the internal mechanism are interconnected.

Battery Fobs are Used
This is a common problem that doesn’t require assistance from an automobile. It is easy to determine the cause of the problem because the batteries in the key fob can wear down over time. You should immediately replace your batteries if your car isn’t receiving signals from the key fob.

Faulty Ignition Cylinder
Car keys should work together with the ignition of your vehicle. They are not intended to function on their own and any problem with the parts that connect to them will result in your keys malfunctioning. Your car keys are dependent on the ignition cylinder, which is a crucial component. Any issue with it can cause problems.

Is Your key a duplicate one?
Your key may not work if you use the automotive locksmith key copy. Even though a copy is well-made, it’s still a duplicate of the original key. It is obvious that the copy may contain minor flaws. These minor flaws can be easily distinguished from the original key by the slight deviation.

You have an alternative if you don’t have any other options. Copy the original key from the copy one and not the copy.

The Real Time Locksmith can help you solve any problem. We provide the best automotive locksmith services and security solutions for your shop or factory, office, school, or business. Our Auto Locksmith expert is dedicated to providing a wide range services with equipment that allows us to handle almost every lock, key and door. We have over ten years experience and a license that will not let you down when we complete your project at a fair price.

By Olivia